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Standing Rules of Parliament


SOMALILAND PARLIAMENT – Standing Rules of the Two Houses

 Both Houses of Parliament (the House of Representatives and the House of Elders) have their own Rules of Procedure and a set of Rules which govern joint sittings, which are permitted under Article 38 of the Constitution.

The Rules in Somali are set out below: 


UPDATE: 28 May 2019

The new (and somewhat controversial in the beginning in 2014) House of Representatives Rules of Procedure are now  available  at the Somaliland House of Representatives website and are available here as a pdf file in Somali (Somaliland DRAFT  HoR Standing Rules (Xeerhoosadka Golaha Wakiilada  Lr 12/2014) BUT as we have now confirmed these are NOT YET IN FORCE. We apologise for any confusion this might have caused and are keeping this copy for information.   AND ARE NOW THE CURRENT RULES OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES replacing the 2006 Rules: Copy in Somali only available here: Xeerhoosaadka Golaha Wakiilada (HoR Rules 2014)

The House Rules  remain  still the 2006 Rules which are the Revised House of Representatives Standing Rules (adopted on 2 January 2006)- [pdf copy of the Rules ] - all in Somali - no English langauage translation is available. REPEALED see above - Copy still available here for reference.

 [In 2006, drafted  new suggested Rules of the House which incorporated  all the 2006 HoR Rules. The draft  Rules were based on those of Houses of Representatives in presidential systems of government, and in particular, those of the Philippines, the US and some South American countries, but were  also very much grounded on the Somaliland Constitution and customs].

2. THE HOUSE OF ELDERS: The House of Elders Standing Rules.

3. JOINT SITTINGS OF BOTH HOUSES: The Rules Relating to Joint Sittings. (below)

 Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland






 Qodobka 1aad

Labada Gole Qaran (Baarlamanka) waxa ay fadhi wadajir ah ka yeelan karaan qodobka 61aad ee Dastuurka arimaha ku cad gaar ahaan xarfihiisa B, T, X, KH, D, R, iyo S.


Qodobka 2aad

Labada Gole (Baarlamanka) waxa kale oo ay fadhiyo wadajir ah ka yeelan karaan qodobadan:

    a)    Arrimo siyaasadeed ee dalka ku soo kordha ama soo foodsaara.

    b)    Codsi ka yimaada dhinaca Xukuumadda ama labada Gole oo codsi u jeediya Xukuumadda ay ku doonayaan waydiimo, caddaymo, ama warbixin xaaladeed.

    c)     Waxa kale oo ay ka kulmi karaan in la iska qanciyo su’aalo ka iman kara dhinacyada; ha ahaaato rayi, ansixin shuruuc, iwm.

    d)    Wixii soo jeedin, wax ka bedel ama kaabis ah ee Dastuurka ku saabsan, kana yimaada Xukuuumadda ama Labada Gole midkood.

       i.        Labada Gole, waxay uga kulmi karaan qaab gudiyeed, ay Golayaashu iska magacaabaan, iyadoo ansixintu ahaanayso sida ku cad qodobka 153aad ee Dastuurka iyo Xeer-hoosaadka Golayaasha.

    e)    Soo jeedimaha iyo ajandaha amuuraha laga kulmayaa waxay ka imanayaan:

      i.  Labada Shirgudoon, iyadoo loo bandhigayo Golayaasha oo ansixin doona.

     ii. Labada Gole midkood oo ay xubnihiisu aqlabiyad ku soo jeediyaan in uu kulmo Baarlamanku, (aqlabiyadda tirada xubnaha Golaha), iyadoo ay shardi tahay in loo bandhigo Golaha kale asbaabaha codsiga fadhiga wadajirka ah ee Labada Gole; hasa ahaatee Golaha kale wuu diidi karaa haddii ay la haboonaan waydo ama wuu ogolaan karaa, asagoo ku ogolaan kara ama ku diidi kara aqlabiyad la mid ah tan hore.

 Qodobka 3aad

Go’aanada Baarlamanku waxay ku ansaxayaan hal dheeri (simple majority) marka laga reebo wixii Dastuurku si kale u cadeeyay


Qodobka 4aad

Mudanahii shirka ama fadhiga wadajirka ah ee Barlamaanka iyadoo lagu jiro ku kaca khal-khal gelin ama abuura buuq, gacan ka hadal, iwm, waxaa laga saarayaa fadhiga ilaa inta uu dhamaanayo, kuna soo noqon mayo.


Qodobka 5aad

Habka hogaaminta fadhiyada wadajirka ah ee Baarlamanku wuxuu ahaanayaa:

    a)    Gudoomiyaha Golaha Guurtida ayaa Gudoominaya

    b)    Gudoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada ayaa ahaanaya La-Gudoomiye

    c)     Sidaas oo kale ayey isugu xigayaan xubnaha kale ee gudoonada iyo xoghayntu.

Qodobka 6aad

Labada xeer-hoosaad ee Labada Gole waa la midayn doonaa iyadoo loo saari doono guddi wadajir ah oo labada Gole ka kooban.


Qodobka 7aad

Qodobadan waxay labada Gole ee Baarlamaanku ku ansixinayaan kala gaar, iyagoo ahaan doona lifaaqa Xeer-hoosaadyadooda.


Guddiga soo diyaarisay:

1. Xasan Axmed Ducaale                                     Golaha Wakiilada

2. C/raxman Xuseen Cabdi (Baydani)                  Golaha Wakiilada

3. Maxamed Ducaale Qurux                                   Golaha Guurtida

4. Maxamuud Xareed Rooble                                 Golaha Guurtida

5. Cabdilahi Ibrahim Habane                          Xoghayaha G/Guurtida

6. Maxamed Xuseen Cisman                        Xoghayaha G/Wakiilada .  



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