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Law on Banning Anti-personnel Mines- Law No. 40/2009 Xeerka Mamnuucidda Miinadda Lidka Dadka, Xeer No. 40/2009 (in Somali with an English language introduction) The 1997 Ottawa Convention on Anti-personnel Mines ICRC Model Legislation on implementing the Convention Law on the Control of Small Arms - Law No. 39/2010 (in Somali) 2002 NAIROBI DECLARATION ON THE PROBLEM OF THE PROLIFERATION OF ILLICIT SMALL ARMS AND LIGHT WEAPONS IN THE GREAT LAKES REGION AND THE HORN OF AFRICA. UN Security Council Arms Embargo on “Somalia””: Pursuant to Resolutions 751 (1992) and 197 (2009). UNDP Guide on Small Arms and Light Weapons Legislation Public Order Law 1963 - Law No. 14/1963 Provisions relating to possession of weapons Law on the Control of Arms and Munitions - Law No. 70/95 Public Order Law 1963 - Law No. 14/1963 Provisions relating to public safety Penal Code 1962 - Provisions relating to public safety: CRIMES CONTRAVENTIONS
Law on Banning Anti-personnel Mines- Law No. 40/2009
Xeerka Mamnuucidda Miinadda Lidka Dadka, Xeer No. 40/2009 (in Somali with an English language introduction)
The 1997 Ottawa Convention on Anti-personnel Mines
ICRC Model Legislation on implementing the Convention
Law on the Control of Small Arms - Law No. 39/2010 (in Somali)
Public Order Law 1963 - Law No. 14/1963 Provisions relating to possession of weapons
Law on the Control of Arms and Munitions - Law No. 70/95
Public Order Law 1963 - Law No. 14/1963 Provisions relating to public safety
Penal Code 1962 - Provisions relating to public safety: