Somaliland Legal System
Judge Abdishakur Ali Mohumed (2014) The Principle of Judicial Independence and Somaliland Courts -28/12/2014.
Xasan Faarax Maxamad (2012) Sharci Ku Dhaqida, Sharci-Yaqaanada: Falan-qeynta Sharci ee Xeerka Qareenada Xeer Lr/30 2004
Xasan Faarax Maxamad (2010) Baahiyaadka Waaxda Garsoorka
Mediation, Arbitration & Conflict Resolution
Adam Haji Ali Ahmed (2010) Politics of Transitional Justice Mechanisms from Below: The Case of Somaliland, Peace & Conflict Monitor 04 July 2010 (University of Peace): “This paper will discuss how the design and discourse of transitional justice mechanisms- which include and take into account the views and needs of civil society and affected communities- boost the legitimacy of the transitional process and the prospects for reconciliation. This process could be described as the politics of transitional justice mechanisms from below. The paper will focus on the Somaliland situation as a case study. The paper will explain both the Somaliland alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanism and transitional justice as well as analyze in detail how the indigenous ADR mechanism has been used as tool for political transitional justice during the reconciliation period. Lessons learned from the Somaliland reconciliation process will be briefly explained and some critiques and pitfalls of transitional justice in Somaliland will be raised. Finally, the paper will conclude with some recommendations and observations about the usefulness of the traditional and indigenous ADR systems as reference examples for political transitional justice in similar situations around the world.”
Constitutional Law
Mohamad Farah Hersi (2010) An Institutional Analysis on the Constitutional court of Somaliland
Ibrahim Hashi Jama (2007) The Somaliland Constitution: Experience To date and Future Developments (A discussion paper)
Ibrahim Hashi Jama (2006) The Sheikh Concordat: Settling Constitutional Disputes in the Somaliland way?
Ruth Gordon (1999 ) “Growing Constitutions” 1 U. PA. J. CONST. L. 528
Criminal Law
Ibrahim Hashi Jama (2012) Piracy and the Inadequacy of old Somaliland laws
Legal System
Federico Battera (2004) “State and democracy building in sub Saharan Africa: The case of Somaliland - a comparative perspective”, Global Jurist Topics, Vol.4, No.1, Article 1.
Ibrahim Hashi Jama (2003) Somaliland Supreme Court and the Presidential Election
Somaliland Academy for Peace & Development 2002: The Judicial System in Somaliland - Report of a Workshop.
Local Government Law
Ibrahim Hashi Jama (2008) Somaliland Local Government Re-organisation through Presidential Decrees in an Election Year
Media Law
Cabdishakuur Cali Muxumed (Good Lawyer) (2014) Faalo: Xeerka Saxaafadda, Xeerka Ciqaabta Guud iyo Dacwaddaha Saxaafadda ( Article: Comments on the Press Law, the Penal Code and Court Cases against the Press - 26/04/2014)
Ibrahim Hashi Jama (2007) Using Insult Laws is an Insult to the Somaliland Media and Public – the detention and trial of Haatuf Journalists
Electoral Laws
Xasan Faarax Maxamad (2012) Saamiga Kuraaseed ee La Siiyo Dumarka iyo Dadka Laga Tirada Badan Yahey Ma Waafaqsan Tahey Dastuurka?
Ibrahim Hashi Jama (2012) Somaliland Reserved Seats Bill 2012: Parliament has a second chance that it cannot miss
Ibrahim Hashi Jama (2007) Commentary on the Presidential & Local Election Election Law (Amendement) Bill (This article covered, among other things the proposal for local councils’ reserved seats for women and excluded minority communities)
Ibrahim Hashi Jama (2000) Article on the 2000 Somaliland Political Parties Law
Ibrahim Hashi Jama (2000) Article on the Somaliland Election Bill 2000
Public Order Law
Ibrahim Hashi Jama (2004) Public Order Law in Somaliland: Learning the lessons of Democracy
Other (Pardon & Amnesty)
Ibrahim Hashi Jama (2007) The delayed release of QARAN leaders