Somaliland House of Representatives Resolution Declaring the Public Order Law 1963 as null and void – 1 August 1999

(English Language translation)

GW/KF-08/99/99 01/08/99

Go’aan Burrin Xeer Lr. 21 ee 1963 Public Order Law

Golaha Wakiiladda JSL

Markuu Arkay:  Qodobadda, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 59, 124, 125, iyo 155 ee Dastuurka JSL.

Markuu Arkay:  Mooshinka Mudanayaashu soo qadimeen 14/07/99 & 10/11/199 ee la xidhiidha xukunka deg-degga ah, kana war helay in dalka lagaga dhaqo Xeerka Nabadgelayadda Guud (Public Order Law, No. 21) ee soo baxay 1963kii.

Markuu Ogaaday:   In Xeerkani ka kooban yahay:-

- Qaybo u baahan xeerar gaar ah laga soo saaro, sida kan Huteelada Hurdada.

- Kuwa ka mid ah Xeerarka guud ee Garsoorka ee hadda la adeegsado.

- Kuwo Xeerar gaar ah leh, sida kan dhaqan celinta dhallinyaradda (Juvenile).

- Kuwo ka hor imanaya Dastuurka, shareecadda Islaamka iyo Baaqyadda Caalamiga ah ee Xuquuqda Aadamaha oo Xukuumadda JSL saxeexday.

Markuu is-tusay: In kuwa aan waafaqsanayn Dastuurka I yo Shareecaddu noqonayaan waxba kama jiraan sida Dastuurka Qodobka 155 tilmaamayo.

Markuu ku Qancay: in aanay dalka ka jirin Nabadgelyo darro gaadhsiisan xaalad xukun deg-deg ah Allah mahadi ha ka gaadhee.

Markuu Aqoonsaday: In Hay’addani sharci fulintu (Waaxda Garsoorka, Ciidamada Booliska iyo Asluubtu) dhisan yihiin, itaal kasta ha lahaadeene.

Markuu Tixgeliyey: Soo jeedimaha Guddiga Farsmo iyo La Taliyaha Sharciga ee Goluhu soo bandhigeen iyo aaraada doodad Mudanayaashu kaga baaraan dageen mowduuca muddadii u dhaxaysay 14-27-99ka.

Markuu u Coddeeyey: Qodobadda Nuxurkoodu ku soo ururtay fadhigii 27/07/99ka, oo ay goob joog ahaayeen 54 Mudane.

Wuxuu cod aqlabiyad ah (49-cod) oo gacan taag ah ku ansixiyay qodobada go’aankan ee hoos ku qoran, halka uu ka diiday hal (1) mudane saddex (3) mudane oo kalena ka aaminsan, Guddoomiyuhuna aanu cod bixin sida caadada ah:-


1. In Xukuumaddu sida ugu firfircoon uga shaqaysiiso hay’addaha sharci fulinta (law enforcement bodies) si ay xilalkooda u gutaan.

2. In Xeer Nabadgelyadda guud (public order law, no. 21 of 1963) oo ka hor imanaya Dastuurka, Shareecadda Islaamka iyo Baaqayadda Caalamiga ah ee Xuquuqda Aadamiga, uu yahay waxba kama jiraan (Null & Void).

3. In haddii ay dalka ku timaado Xaalad khalkhhal gelin karta xasiloonida, amniga, kalsoonida, dhaqaale imw, Alleh inaguma keenee uu Madaxweynuhu ku tallaabsado awoodiisa ku xusan qodobka 117 ee Dastuurka, kana ansaxdo labada Gole ee Baarlamaanka sida ku qeexan Dastuurka qodobka 78  faqrada 5aad.

Allaa Mahad leh

Maxamed Xuseen Cismaan

-Xoghayaha Guud ee Golaha Wakiiladda-


Axmed Maxamed Aadan

-Guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiiladda-


GW/KF-08/99/99  01/08/99




The House of Representatives of the Republic of Somaliland


Having seen: Articles 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 59, 124, 125 and 155 of the Constitution of the Republic of Somaliland[1].


Having seen: The motion forwarded to the House by the honourable members on 14/07/99 and 10/11/99 relating to the emergency legislation and having noted  that the Public Order Law No 21 of 1963  is still used in the country.


Having noted:  That this law consists of :

·        Parts which need the promulgation of further laws, such as those relating to hotels.

·        Some general provisions relating to the judicial system, which are still in use.

·        Some special provisions, such as the reform of juvenile behaviour.

·        Some provisions which are contrary to the Constitution, Islam and the international conventions on human rights to which the government of the Somaliland Republic has accepted.


Having seen:  That the provision which do not conform to the Constitution and Islamic Sharia are null and void as set out in Article 155[2] of the Constitution.


Convinced: That there is, thanks to Allah, no disorder in the country which justifies emergency rule.


Having recognised: That the law enforcement bodies (the judiciary, the police and the Corrections Service) are function,  whatever their effectiveness might be.


Having considered:  The proposal of the working group and the Legal Adviser of the House have made and the opinions of the honourable members who contributed the debate during the period of 14 to 27 July 1999.


Having voted: On the points the crux of which was collated at the sitting on 27 July 1999 when there were 54 members present.


Have approved, on a majority show of hand vote of 49 votes for, 1 against and 3 abstaining (with the chairman not voting, as usual), the following resolution:


1.     The Government must work diligently in ensuring that the law enforcement agencies undertake their functions effectively.


2.     The Public Order Law, No:21 of 1963 conflicts with the Constitution, Islamic Sharia and international conventions relating to human rights, and is therefore null and void.


3.     If the country faces a situation of disorder which threatens the public order, peace, public confidence, economy etc, the President should use the emergency power under Article 117[3] of the Constitution and seek the appooval of the two Houses of Parliament as set out in Article 78(5) of the Constitution.


Praise be to Allah.


Mohamad Hussain Osman

Secretary General of the House of Representatives


Ahmed Mohamad Adan

Chairman of the House of Representatives 



[1]  These Articles refer to the 1997 Interim Constitution, and not the current one, which was adopted in 2000.  All the provisions listed are, however, in the current Constitution, as well, but are numbered differently. 

[2]  Now Article 128.

[3]  Now Article 92 of the Constitution.